

This package implements elements and boundaries coming from the C4 Model but with the Nord Theme flavor.



The bootstrap may provide PlantUML artifacts like constants, procedures or style statements.

' loads the c4nord bootstrap

Full inclusion

An additional include can be used to load all items in one shot.

' loads the bootstrap of `c4nord` and all related items

Single inclusion

Finally, another include can be used to load the library's bootstrap, the package's bootstrap and all items' resources in one !include statement.

Include remotely the resources:

' loads the library, the bootstrap of `c4nord` and all related items
!include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tmorin/plantuml-libs/master/distribution/c4nord/single.puml

Include locally the resources:

' configures the library
!global $INCLUSION_MODE="local"
' loads the library, the bootstrap of `c4nord` and all related items
!include <the relative path to the /distribution directory>/c4nord/single.puml


The package provides 0 modules.


The package provides 7 examples.

Deployment diagram

Deployment diagram
The source file.

Dynamic diagram

Dynamic diagram
The source file.

Level 1 System Context

Level 1 System Context
The source file.

Level 2 Container

Level 2 Container
The source file.

Level 3 Component

Level 3 Component
The source file.

System Landscape diagram

System Landscape diagram
The source file.

Main Artifacts

Main Artifacts
The source file.