

The library provides 12 packages.

Include the library

Include remotely the library:

' configures the library

' loads the library
!include $LIB_BASE_LOCATION/bootstrap.puml

Include locally the library:

' configures the library
!global $INCLUSION_MODE="local"
!global $LIB_BASE_LOCATION="<the relative path to the /distribution directory>"

' loads the library
!include $LIB_BASE_LOCATION/bootstrap.puml

include vs !include

When documenting large projects, it's often a good practice to define the components in separate .puml files which will be then included in other .puml files containing the diagrams to render. So that, the component definitions can be re-used among the diagrams.

However, be careful about relative and absolute paths with the usage of !include (the native PlantUML directive) vs include() (a custom procedure provided in this library). According to where you are (i.e. reference files vs diagram files), the relative paths won't be resolved from the current directory.

Given the following file tree, the following snippets should help you to configure files properly.

  • project/
    • ref/
      • c4.puml
      • aws.puml
    • src/
      • guidebook/
        • component/
          • c4.puml
          • aws.puml


!global $INCLUSION_MODE="local"
!global $LIB_BASE_LOCATION="../node_modules/@tmorin/plantuml-libs/distribution"
!include $LIB_BASE_LOCATION/bootstrap.puml
' definition of the common elements below
' .....


!global $INCLUSION_MODE="local"
!global $LIB_BASE_LOCATION="../node_modules/@tmorin/plantuml-libs/distribution"
!include $LIB_BASE_LOCATION/bootstrap.puml
' definition of the common elements below
' .....


@startuml level1-system
!include ../../../ref/c4.puml
!global $IMAGE_BASE_PATH="../../" + $LIB_BASE_LOCATION + "/"
' description of the diagram below
' .....


@startuml infrastructure-production
!include ../../../ref/aws.puml
!global $IMAGE_BASE_PATH="../../" + $LIB_BASE_LOCATION + "/"
' description of the diagram below
' .....

Load element provided by packages

' loads the AwsDataExchange element from the aws-20200911 package


The title of the diagram can be formatted using the procedure:

Title("the title of the diagram", "an optional subtitle", "an optioanl version", "an optional date")


The relationships' texts between the diagram's items can be formatted using the procedure:

Relationship("an expected reason of the relationship", "an optional technology")